Monday, 28 July 2008

2 articles to look out for

Look out for articles in NAWE's latest journal (issue number 45) and the regeneration journal New Start Mag (Volume 10, no 442) which go into some of the thinking on the A Place For Words site in more detail. The articles are also available to download from A Place For Words

1 comment:

ruth said...

Really interested to read about this site and think its important to champion the role text and writing could have within regeneration and public realm work. I'd like to see the definition of 'writer and 'text' be widened though. At the moment in the examples you give it seems as if the emphasis is on the idea of writer as a primary creator, someone who shapes others' words or works with people to listen/ absorb but then creates a new authored work. I think that there is of course a place for this work but I think there is also a huge scope to use and work with Verbatum text. For the last 5/6 years I've been delivering temporary public art work/performance work collecting memories and stories linked to specific places within a neighbourhood, journeys people have made to live where they live, and answers to broad questions that explore what it is to be human. We've used these 'collections' to create print, exhibition and performance work and in those processes see myself as a Dramaturg/ curator or even organiser of this text, a very creative role but not the 'author'. We're now looking at projects where text from collections such as these could work within permanent public artwork. I'd be really interested to talk about this further and to expand the framework for the concept of 'writer'. my website is for eg's of the work. thanks